
New York City || Travel

I have been blessed to be able to travel a lot in my almost 30 years of life. Last weekend I was able to add New York City to the long list of places I have been. 

I will be taking a group of my photo students to NYC in April for a visual arts tour through the city. We have a bigger goal in mind to compile our images into a book after the trip. I am so excited and cant wait for our adventure. I was a little apprehensive, since most of my students have been to the Big Apple numerous times and I had never. Thankfully the awesome organization we are going with sent me there on a free trip to be apart of a training weekend with many other teachers from around the country. We had so much fun learning about the city and all the amazing things that are there. 

I had the best time TAKING PHOTOS. For was so what I needed. I am so thankful for that.


Alaska || Travel

Cups of gas station coffee: hundreds

Miles driven: close to 2,000

rental cars: 2

Blizzards: 1

Moose sightings: 1

Glaciers: 0

Average temp in Fairbanks in Dec 2013: -40

Average temp in Fairbanks in Dec 2014: 30

Failed attempts at seeing the Northern Lights: 2

Episodes of Son's of Anarchy watched: 12

Number of bags of popcorn Cameron ate: 93489834

Time we had to be towed out of the snow: 2

Average sunrise: 10:40am

Average Sunset: 3:45pm

Price to fly from Alaska from San Diego for 2 people: $56

6 days spent with my best friend driving a car in a blizzard, on black ice  skating around with summer tires and finding the Alaskan equivalent to Mike Grzanich ...PRICELESS

I now bring you Anchorage, Fairbanks and Seward, Alaska